Thursday, January 1, 2015

Moving Forward...

Welcome to 2015, Friends!  And welcome to my new blog!  I am by far not the only person beginning (or in my case continuing) a blogger's journey today, but I'm glad you're taking the time to stop by my neighborhood as you make your rounds.  Thanks!  Short of making new year's resolutions and beginning health improvement campaigns, writing a blog post may be one of the most undertaken tasks of the day today.  I'd be remiss if I bypassed the opportunity to add my voice to the cacophony!

Last year, I tried focusing on one word for the entire year and seeing how that word would play out in my life.  The word for last year was "create".  I spent 2014 looking for ways to express and ignite my creativity and was rewarded with many new creations - new relationships, new skills, new passions, and even new writings.  The novel I wrote is in its final stages...I think...and I'm busy acting, script writing, and doing life with people I have come to love dearly.  A very creative 2014 for sure!

This year, after meditating on it for a good while, I decided that my word of the year will be "forward".  I chose this word as my focus for 2015 because it's a direction that I often neglect. At times, I just roam...aimlessly...without much thought for what comes next.  There are days when that's fun, but there are nights when the lack of focus keeps me awake, wondering what I'm missing...hoping it's nothing vital, but fearing that it is.  So for 2015, my aim is to intentionally move my life forward.  I don't know what that will bring, but I hope that at the end of the year, I'll be able to reflect and discover that 2015 was just as monumental in terms of growth and satisfaction as 2014 was for me.

A little "Angie 101" to get us started...I process things in my life best by writing about them. Blogging is a very natural fit for me when there is something I want or need to focus on in my life.  I "Journeyed to Myself" on my last blog, rather successfully, I think.  I found the person I lost somewhere along the way on my journey in life, and I began the process of knowing her and loving her.  That is something I still undertake daily as I continue to work toward emotional, physical, and spiritual wholeness and wellness. I'm much farther along that path now than when my first blog began, though there are still miles to forge ahead of me. 

This blog will be a compass on the next journey in my life...the journey forward. I'm now in the midst of midlife with all its questions, musings, and uncertainties. Has my life gone as I hoped it would? What is still to come?  Have my best days passed me by or are they truly ahead of me...and how far ahead of me might they be?  Am I living intentionally and on purpose, and if not, why not and how do I correct that?  These are the questions that wake me up at night...along with the infernal need to empty my ever-shrinking bladder (another joy of midlife for us ladies!).  My plan is to use this blog to document this part of my journey, to be accountable to myself for actually moving forward...making decisions that matter...trying new things.  If I also occasionally use it to vent about the lesser-known joys of midlife, IS my blog after all!  You'll forgive me...or you'll move on. Either way, I'm good!

So, again...thanks for stopping by my neighborhood in the blogosphere.  I hope it's one that you'll frequent often.  The welcome mat is always out for you.  Pull up a chair and join the conversation.  I hope we'll all find that I still have something that's worth saying...

Moving forward...
Angie :-)

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