Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Music Reaches Me...

I've loved music for as long as I can remember.  My first radio was a little AM/FM receiver tucked inside a stuffed cocker spaniel dog.  I'd turn on the radio at night and snuggle up and listen to song after song laying in my bed, memorizing lyrics and falling asleep to 70's rock tunes from my favorite radio station.  I'm not sure how many 9-volt batteries I wore out with that little puppy...

My first concert was an amazing experience - for many reasons! It was here I first discovered that hearing music live is possibly one of the most incredible things you can do in life.  I don't care how good recording technology gets, hearing Journey and their (former) lead singer, Steve Perry, sing "Open Arms" live will trump it every time!  (I'm certain he was singing straight to me...it was my 16th birthday, after all!) 

Whatever I'm facing in life, there's a song that can tell my story.  There's not really a genre that I can say I don't listen to from time to time, but contemporary Christian music is probably what feeds my soul more than just about any other right now on my journey. And I came across this song the other day when my iTunes were on shuffle.

"Can anybody hear me?  
The silence is deafening.  
Why do You feel so far away 
When I know You're here with me
But I just need the faith to see
Nothing can separate me from Your love..."

Oh, Lord...how I needed to hear that!  I can't possibly tell you how many times in the past few years (days!) I have screamed this out to God.

Where are You?

Why am I going through this?

Can't You stop this?

Do You still love me...or have I truly become as unlovable as I feel?

Music reaches me, though...and today, Meredith Andrews sang my truth.  The silence may be deafening, but I know He can see me. I know He loves me.  I know He is for me, not against me. And I know that the best part of my life is still to come.  My friend (who's an incredible musician in her own right!) says all the time that you need to sing your victory.  With Nikki and Meredith's words in my ears, I tend to believe that is possible...and act on it.

So, you'll excuse me while I wrap up this blog post.  I need to take some time to belt out a few nuggets of truth to break me out of the funk I've found myself in lately.  I actually have a decent singing voice, but even if I didn't, these songs are coming from a place deeper than my throat.  It's time for my heart to sing again...

Moving Forward...
Angie :-)


  1. I always say sing it til it gets in your spirit and you believe what you're singing!! Sing Angie!

  2. Thanks, Yvonne!! I'm singing, my friend! All day long!!!
