Sunday, April 26, 2015

There's Something to Be Said for a Sabbath...

As I'm writing this, it's a lovely Sunday morning.  It's a little chilly for late April in Maryland, but a lot sunnier than the anticipated forecast.  I'm sitting in my pajamas, in my cozy bed in a quiet house


It's a Sunday morning...

And I'm at HOME?!?!

So I must be sick, right?  No, I'm not.  Well, then it must be that my knee is being painfully tricky this morning. Yes, it is, but I'm able to move.

Then WHY am I not at church?

That's a really good question.  And, honestly, it's one that I felt guilty about answering until I read a friend's post on Facebook a few minutes ago.  She's home, too...watching the same service I just watched...while she sits on her patio in the gorgeous sunlight, with a cup of coffee and a great book. Now, I'm good.  Now, I get it.

I did "go" to church already today...worshiped online with about 200 other people at 8:00 AM this morning, while many hundred more physically came and sat in the seats.  I've connected with God. I've connected virtually with other believers.  But my body is home right now.  And that's OK today.

It's this new understanding that I have about myself as an "achiever" that's beginning to take root in me.  Sometimes, it's a really bad thing to be an achiever.  Sometimes, I feel that if I'm NOT out there and achieving, then I'm not living out my purpose...not doing what I am passionate about...not leaving my mark on the world. I feel like I'm FAILING.  So I push myself.  Always.  Except for today I just figured out that I'm sometimes pushing too hard.

It's OK to not physically be present at church today.  My heart was present in worship...and my body needs a break.  I don't have anything that I need to achieve today.  I am not failing simply because I'm not intentionally trying to achieve something.

I'm resting...which is what  my body and mind need most today.

I'm enjoying God's beautiful creation...which is something that I don't spend nearly enough time doing.

I'm writing...which I haven't felt like doing in a while, probably because I'm way too busy with things that AREN'T my passion to pursue the things that are.

And I'm happy.

There's something to be said for a sabbath day.  Every day can't be one...but some days should.  And today is mine.

Moving Forward...

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