Thursday, April 23, 2015

It's Almost My Birthday...

...and I'm OK with that!

Last year, I remember being very impacted and upset about getting older.  I felt very, very old, which was somewhat unusual for me.  I have never been a person who is overly bothered by a number.  I think you're only about as old as you act or feel.  But last year, turning 47, I felt old.

This year, however, I'm feeling a bit refreshed and renewed.  I'm making changes in my life a little at a time, like allowing myself to try new things - that I may or may not be successful at - and risking failure.  I'm becoming more and more the person I want to be.  Oh, the journey is nowhere near complete.  It won't be, I think, until I draw my last breath here and wake up in heaven, where I'll be exactly who I was created to be, no more flaws holding me back. But I'm persuaded that the journey to that day is just as important as arriving there. And right now, the journey is going well.

So, next seven short days when I turn won't find me lamenting the passing of another month, another year.  Nope.  I plan on celebrating! There are some amazing things happening in my life right now in this season, and I am embracing and enjoying every moment.  Yes, I'm looking mid-life square in the eye...and the view from here isn't half bad.

Moving Forward...

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